Wonderly Box - FA22988
A Sweet and Romantic Bloom Box with Pink Roses, White Roses, Gompies and Poms. Note: Soft pink roses may be replaced with Pink Avalanche roses with natural green edges on petals, which is a unique and beautiful characteristic of these flowers.
Add a touch of sweetness and romance to your special moments with the Wonderly Box. This delightful bloom box features a charming arrangement of pink roses, white roses, gompies, and poms, creating a captivating display that will melt hearts. Indulge in the wonder of love with the Wonderly Box. Its delightful mix of pink and white roses, accompanied by lovely gompies and poms, brings a sense of enchantment and joy. Whether it's for a special occasion or just to express your feelings, this bloom box is the perfect choice. Order now and create magical moments with this sweet and romantic arrangement.Wonderly Box - Sweet and Romantic Pink Roses Bloom Box
- Put in a vase with two-thirds of room-temperature & clean water
- Change the water every 2-3 days
- Re-cut the stem one inch in a 45 degrees angle
- Position in a 18-22 degrees spot
- Remove any growing wilted parts