Oh My Honey - FA7262
A Bouquet of Yellow Gerberas and 7 Yellow Tulips With Fillers
Brighten up someone's day with the cheerful Oh My Honey bouquet. This vibrant arrangement features a bouquet of sunny yellow gerberas and 7 delightful yellow tulips, beautifully accented with fillers to create a stunning display of warmth and joy. Express your affection and warm wishes with the Oh My Honey bouquet. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or simply to brighten someone's day, this radiant bouquet is sure to bring a smile to their face.Oh My Honey - A Radiant Bouquet of Yellow Gerberas and Tulips
Bouquet Details:
- Put in a vase with two-thirds of room-temperature & clean water
- Change the water every 2-3 days
- Re-cut the stem one inch in a 45 degrees angle
- Position in a 18-22 degrees spot
- Remove any growing wilted parts